Poster Presenters

Instructions for Poster presenters

Presenting On-Site or Remote?

It is important for us to have knowledge about on-site or remote presentations. IF you have changed your participation, please let us know as soon as possible to

Conference Platform

The conference platform used for the DDI conference is called OnAIR and it is a web-based platform, you don’t need to download any software. There will also be a conference app available.

You will get access to the platform on 18 October and there is live support (via chat or video) available during the conference if you need assistance.

Recordings and available material in the platform

All poster PDF´s and poster presentation videos will be available in the digital poster gallery throughout the conference and can be accessed and viewed by participants at all times. All sessions will be recorded, and recordings and posters will be available to all registered DDI delegates on the platform until 31 December 2022. In addition, an abstract book, including your poster, will be published on the conference website. The platform is available for registered delegates of DDI 2022 only. In addition, an abstract book, including your poster, will be published on the conference website.

Common for on-site and remote posters

Pitching the poster
Poster authors are given the opportunity to give a 1.5 minutes presentation during the Poster Pitch session on Wednesday, 19 October 10:45 – 11:15. This is a short summy of your poster. All pitches will be oral-only (i.e., without slides, except a simple title+author(s) slide for each pitch that we will create).

Poster session
All posters (for some with the authors only available on-line) will be available physically on-site.

Sending us a digital version of the poster 
We require all poster presenters to send us a digital version of the poster before 11 October.
Please send a PDF of your poster to Landscape format is working best for viewing the poster on the platform.

Sending us a recorded presentation of your poster 
We require all poster presenters to send us a video with a ‘Lightning talk’, i.e., a brief presentation, which will be presented by your digital poster on the conference platform.

The video shall be uploaded via a streaming service such as Vimeo or YouTube and the link shall be sent to before 11 October.

For on-site poster presenters

Poster exhibition
Your poster will be displayed physically in the designated poster room Newton and presenters will be able to interact with the on-site audience during the on-site poster session (and during breaks).

The poster boards are A0 format (width 841 mm; height 1189 mm). Your poster format will thus have to conform to that (e.g., A0 portrait or A1 landscape). You will need to bring your poster with you. If you wish to have your poster printed in Gothenburg, contact us for details before 10 October.

Poster Pitch session on Wednesday, 19 October 10:45 – 11:15
When it is time for the poster pitch in, please go to the stage. The poster authors will give their pitch, one at a time, 1,5 minutes, using a hand microphone. The authors will present in the same order as the number for your posters.

“Virtual Poster room with authors open” Wednesday, 19 October 11:15-11:45
All poster presenters (on-site and remote) shall be available online between 11:15-11:45 for the on-line conference participants to get a chance to discuss the individual works with the authors.

For on-site poster presenters please go to room Kelvin and connect to the digital poster exhibition, this room has technical staff available to help if needed. Please bring a computer (incl. charger) and headphones.

Questions will be asked in the chat by your digital poster and you will answer the questions via the chat. For discussions you will use Zoom, please prepare a Zoom meeting link and send it to before 17 October.

Poster session, Wednesday, 19 October 12:45-13:45
For the onsite participants 12:45-13:45 Wednesday in connection with lunch, presenters are encouraged to eat lunch within the proximity of their poster.

Remote poster presenters

Pitching the poster
Poster authors are given the opportunity to give a 1.5 minutes presentation during the Poster Pitch session on Wednesday, 19 October 11:15 – 11:45.  This is a short summary of your poster. All pitches will be oral-only (i.e., without slides, except a simple title+author(s) slide for each pitch that we will create). For remote presenters, we will play pre-recorded film.

For remote presenters please send a pre-recorded film of your poster pitch before 11 October to our AV partner Send it as a .mp4 file (size 1280x720px), name the file: your family name and oct_19 or oct_20. Please use or similar to share the file.

“Virtual Poster room with authors open” Wednesday, 19 October 11:15-11.45 (CEST)
All poster presenters (onsite and remote) shall be available online during the “Virtual Poster room with authors open” time slot between CEST 11:15-11:45 October 19th.

Please be by your digital poster on the platform to answer questions and use a zoom meeting for discussions.

Questions will be asked in the chat by your digital poster and you will answer the questions via the chat. For discussions you will use Zoom, please prepare a Zoom meeting link and post it in the chat when you start the session.

The physical poster session
You will not be able to join the physical poster session.

A physical poster
Your poster will be displayed in the Poster room Newton during the whole conference. The poster boards are A0 format (width 841 mm; height 1189 mm). Your poster format will thus have to conform to that (e.g., A0 portrait or A1 landscape).

Please confirm that you have/will send the poster to this address:

Chalmers Konferens & Restauranger
Ref. DDI2022/Poster
Lindholmen Science Park
Lindholmspiren 5
417 56 Göteborg, Sweden

If you need assistance to print your poster please contact us before 10 October.


For further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by e-mailing:

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